Health Benefits of Baobab Powder

At ReadyBlends, we not only froth at the nutritional content, but also love the flavour of this amazing super fruit. Check out our Almond Berry Smoothie to get a taste of what all the fuss is about.
Firstly, what is Baobab Powder?
Baobab powder is derived from the fruit of the Boabab tree, found in Madagascar, mainland Africa, Arabia, and Australia. It is an absolute powerhouse when it come to nutritional value, having six times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much calcium as milk, and plenty of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and antioxidants. We outlined the top 10 health benefits below.
1. Increases Energy Level
Baobab fruit is great to consume after workouts. It is high in magnesium which helps reduce muscle fatigue.
2. Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Baobab fruit is high in fructose, a low glycemic index type of sugar. It also is a rich source of polyphenals, known to reduce the absorption of sugar to the blood.
3. Maintains Healthy Digestive System
The soluble fibre in baobab fruit enhances prebiotic effects - promoting healthy bacteria in our gut. Native Africans actually use it as a traditional treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and constipation.
4. Supports Healthy Brain Functioning
Being high in antioxidants, means that it delays the aging process caused by free radicals and, if consumed regularly, can help prevent Alzheimers and Dementia.
5. Improves Sleep Patterns
Baobab powder contains vitamin B to relax the brain, calcium to calm muscles and nervous system, and iron to prevent restless leg syndrome. All of these powers combined sets up a great nights sleep.
6. Promotes Healthy Bones and Teeth
Baobab powder contains abundant amounts of calcium (twice that of milk) and phosphorus - minerals needed to maintain the density of bones and teeth, even helping to prevent osteoporosis.
7. Promotes Healthy Skin and Delays Aging
The aging process can happen early because of high free radicals in our body and environment. The antioxidants in baobab fruits fight these free radicals, thus delaying the aging process in our body. The high Vitamin C in baobab fruits promotes production of collagen - important for making our skin look youthful and tight.
8. Controls Body Weight
The fiber in baobab fruit helps us feel fuller for longer, also reducing food cravings. This fiber also reduces the absorption of sugar - which, when in excess, is stored in fat tissues. So, baobab fruit is good for controlling body weight.
9. Boosts the Immune System
Eating fruits high in antioxidants and minerals, such as baobab fruit, helps to restore our body functions and allows faster healing processes.
10. Anti-Inflammation
Antioxidants fight inflammation in our body and promote growth of new cells. As previously mentioned, baobab fruit is a great source of antioxidants.
It is easy to be skeptical of a new superfood trends and difficult to see the benefits to your body on a day-to-day basis (especially in smoothies!). Baobab powder is crammed full of nutritional benefits and easy to include in your diet on a daily basis. In the long term; your body will thrive with these extra nutrients and you will be thankful in years to come.